Alba highland cottages
Alba Highland Cottages are located in a quiet hamlet situated in the Cairngorm National Park on Speyside near Boat of Garten. We have 2 luxury cottages only 5 miles from Aviemore and a short distance from Loch Ness. Ptarmigan cottage comprises of 3 bedrooms: 2 twins and a king sized bed with ensuite. Osprey cottage comprises of 5 bedrooms: 1 king sized bed and 4 rooms with twins (2 of which have ensuit).
Alba Highland Cottages
Alba Highland Cottages
Boat of Garten
PH24 3BU
01505 672106 or 07748 432648
Quality assured & accessible

March 2018
After the Beast from the East and snow and more snow, skiing in the Cairngorms is excellent. All roads are clear and almost all lifts are running .
News from the Highland Wildlife Park at Kincraig is that UK’s olny baby polar bear has been caught on camera for first time as mother and cub have ventured out from birthing den for first time.The cub is born blind and now able to see can start to explore the immediate neighbour hood.
It will not be on view to the public just yet but by end of March should be.
Boat of Garten recently featured on a Channel 4 series to find the best village in Scotland.
The village did itself proud but unfortunately did not make the final.
The end of March usually sees the return of our local Ospreys from their wintering home in Africa.
Their arrival will be eagerly awaited at the RSPB reserve.
2017 was a sad year for the reserve after the disappearance of the male Osprey and the resulting deaths of the 3 Osprey chicks in the nest due to starvation due to the male not bringing fish to the nest.
We certainly hope for a happy outcome this year
December 2017
Arrived here on Saturday for a few days.Weather had been cold with snow and ice , main roads fine but side roads a problem at times.Staying in Ptarmigan for 5 nights so glad to say heating working and nice and warm.Now mild and rapid thaw so roads no longer an issue.
Bird feeders empty and same with the squirrel box. Filled them and word got round fairly quickly with plenty of blue tits and 2 red squirrels.Also a couple of pheasants nearby and a rabbit which appears to stay under the decking.
Had a visit to Granton yesterday for some Christmas shopping.Discovered the local bookshop there which was a great discovery.The owner is an enthusiastic old lady who could not be more helpful and if she doesn’t have the books you want she will certainly get them for you.
Heading to Inverness for further shopping today.Need to get some electric bulbs for cottage and some screws for wardrobe door.The screews from 2 of the 3 hinges had mysteriously disappeared..!!
Aviemore is slowly gearing up for a busy period and everyone is hoping that the mountain has enough of the white stuff to get the ski industry up and running after a bad season last year.
In case you haven’t been on the web site before it has been renewed and hopefully improved.
It will take me sometime though to get used to it.
Busy Summer
The cottages have had a busy summer with both cottages booked for most weeks other than the odd one. Guests have arrived from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Denmark and the States as well as from all parts of the UK. The weather although very Scottish has not been a bar to exploring the Highlands and the guest book is always interesting to read with details of the journeys made around the Highlands and Islands.
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Local Wildlife Visits Alba Highland Cottages
The cottages continue to be busy with plenty of human, animal and bird visitors. The resident red squirrels, usually two in number are constant source of pleasure and are good value to watch eating the nuts, chasing each other and doing aerobatics through the trees.
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